International Centre of School Culture

CEINCE, International Centre of School Culture, is a Spanish institution promoted by the Schola Nostra Association, in collaboration with the Council of Education of the Autonomous Government of Castile and León together with the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation and the University of Valladolid, for the study and diffusion of the culture of the school.

CEINCE is defined as an integral centre of documentation, research and interpretation of the different aspects relating to school culture, a field it approaches, from a multidisciplinary and international perspective, in its historical dimensions and its current and future projections.

CEINCE structures its activities in three thematic areas:

El CEINCE, Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar, es una entidad promovida por la Asociación Schola Nostra para el estudio y difusión de la cultura de la escuela.

El CEINCE se define como un centro integral de documentación, investigación e interpretación acerca de todos los aspectos relativos a la cultura de la escuela, campo que aborda, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaría e internacional, en sus dimensiones históricas y en sus proyecciones actuales y futuras.

El CEINCE estructura sus acciones en tres áreas temáticas:


Memory of the school and educational heritage




School culture and the knowledge society

C/ Real, 35
42360 Berlanga de Duero, Soria

975 343 123

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